Day 52

We began our day with a little treat--roasted pumpkin seeds.

Last night, I prepared the seeds that we extracted from our pumpkin on Day 51.

Toasted and salted, pumpkin seeds have a nutty flavor. 

Try this recipe at home:

  1. Rinse the pumpkin seeds under cold water and make certain to remove the pulp.
  2. Place the seeds in and bowl and toss with garlic, sea salt, and extra virgin olive oil.
  3. Arrange the seeds on a backing sheet bake at 325 degrees until toasted, about 25 minutes.
  4. Store the left over seeds in an air-tight container.
After our treat, we completed our calendar.

During our rotations, I had conferences with the First Graders and we edited their writing assignments from yesterday. They rewrote, edited, and then typed them on the computer. Finally, they created covers for their stories.

Their Pumpkin Patch paragraphs are terrific.

Here are their stories.

The pumpkin patch has a creepy scarecrow with a lot of pumpkins around him. Many vines with green leaves are attached to the pumpkins. These pumpkins will be used for pumpkin bread, pie, soup, and seeds for next year.

My mom has a pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch has a fierce scarecrow in the east corner. The scarecrow keeps the crows away.

Also during our rotations, Taniya, Tyler, and I played Addition Cross-Out.

This afternoon we played Make 12.

Day 53 is up next!