Day 21

It was another busy day of learning!

We started the day with calendar, of course. We followed that with our first Social Studies lesson. We began discussing maps. The students looked at a few different maps. Each map had a compass rose on it.

The students investigated the maps together.

Never Eat Soggy Waffles. 

How to Read a Map....sing along! It's catchy!

Students than completed a compass rose for themselves.

In anticipation of our Mathematics activity in the afternoon, we read 12 Ways to Get to 11.

We had 2 long rotations and if you were a fly on the wall, this is what you would have seen.

We completed Charlotte's Web and began Stuart Little immediately after lunch.

We revisited 12 Ways to Get to 11 and then after recess, we created a poster showing the 12 ways to make the number 11. 

Betty the Bunny helped out as she hopped along the number line.

And then it was game time! Face North! Face South! Turn to the east! Turn to the west!



Check back tomorrow!