Day 80

Look what that silly elf did today!

We opened 5 more cards today (for a total of 17). The cards came from Texas (2), Ohio, Colorado, and Illinois.

We placed pins on the map for each of the school locations. The blue stars represents the new cards we received.

Later in the day, we read the holiday classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

We also completed a fun Christmas 100-Chart.

During our rotations, Nora, Tyler, and Nathan played a holiday dice game. They rolled the die and coloured the corresponding number. The first one that completed their gingerbread man won. Nathan was the winner!


  • Remember Pajama Day and our annual brunch will be on Friday, December 19, 2014. We need you to bring a treat but Miss Osberg and I will provide everything else. 
  • Santa will be here on Friday also!
  • Folders will not be returned on Friday. They will be safe in the classroom while the students are off for the holiday.
  • If you want to get a head start on Week #17 homework, that will be due on January 9, 2015, I have already posted it on the homework page.
  • Please try to practice Word Wall Words and other skills while away for the holidays!