Day 70

We're back and now under elf surveillance!

First thing this morning, we read a very special holiday book, The Elf on the Shelf.

Then we unwrapped our very own elf. He will silently hang out in our classroom and report the student's behaviour back to The Big Man at the North Pole :-)

And because no elf should be nameless, we made a list of holiday names and chose one, by vote, for our elf.

Please welcome, SWEETPUFFS,  to our classroom.

The Students waved to our newly named elf, SWEETPUFFS.

Since it was Monday, we worked on an adorable elf 100-chart.

During our rotations there was a lot of reading!

While others were working on words.

After recess, the students made words using the -all and -ell families.

Lastly, we read Mrs. Toggle's Zipper.

Tomorrow is Day 71. See you then!