Savvy Cyber-Safety

The Internet is a wonderful and exciting thing and has the potential to offer its users, young and old alike a wide range of opportunities--the opportunity to learn, keep informed, develop new skills, to keep in touch with family and friends and even to make new ones. With the Internet, children now have access to museums and libraries from across the globe. The world is definitely a smaller place and we can make virtual journeys almost any where that we want to go. However, the Internet holds many dangers, especially to the most vulnerable of all--children. 

There is not a day that goes by that the new is not reporting about computer hacking, identity theft, cyber-bullying or the like. But when it comes to protecting children the root of the problem is also the source of the solution. The greatest benefit of the Internet is that it offers a plethora of information that can be used to protect children. More and more web sites are popping up to offer tips and give parents information in order to fight these threats to ensure safety.

Please do a BING or Google search to glean more information or use the links below links to read more and gather all the information you can to protect your child.