Welcome Parents!

Summer time is a great opportunity for travel, sports, family, holidays, cookouts, and all kinds of other fun things. I must say; I have been keeping busy with all of the above and then some!

I pray that you and your family have had some enjoyable experiences thus far. If not, there is still more than half the summer remaining before the first day (August 24, 2010) of a new school year.

Even though the buzz from the last school year is still ringing in my ears  I am planning for next year. Part of my planning includes classroom layout, purchases for new books and equipment, as well as this blog. Hopefully, through the year you will be able to glean valuable information and enjoy viewing some of the things that your child is doing in class.

Please check back during the summer as this blog morphs, transforms, and comes together. I encourage you to comment on any post or feature of this blog.