Last Report Cards!

Report cards will be distributed on Monday, June 2nd and Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014.

Ice Cream Celebration

We Are Graduating!

Justin, Destiny, Anthony, Jessica, and Hunter

First Grade Graduates

Kindergarten Graduates

Green Monster 100-Chart

Justin, Jessica, Destiny, and Sirius

Anthony and Megan

Memorial Day

"Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices." 

~President Harry Truman

The Science of Balloon Inflation

These huge plastic bags look as if they would take a looooonnng time to inflate. 

How many breaths do you think it would take to fill them? 

Today, we used Bernoulli's principle to fill these 8 foot long balloons in just 1 breath!

When you blow one breath straight down the middle of these balloons, your moving breath creates a stream of low-pressure air, which pulls air from the room into the bag with your breath. 

You have experienced this principle. Have you ever been on the side of the road when a big bus or truck sped by? You probably felt the rush of air that the vehicle was pulling along with it. Your breath acts in the same way. It pulls some of the room air with it, so that you are able to fill the entire bag with only one breath.

We even had some time to have a big balloon fight :-)

Castle Listening Skills

Destiny, Jessica, Sirius, Justin, and Hunter

100-Chart Flags

Hunter, Jessica, Sirius, and Anthony H.
Destiny, Justin, and Megan

Pizza Time!

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Happy Mother's Day!

Way back on April 25th, the students planted sunflower seeds. Now the plants are ready to go home.

This morning, the cups were adorned with ribbon and hand-made tags.

Please remember to pick up your gift this afternoon.

Check below for a description of the Mammoth Grey Stripe sunflower and planting instructions.

Justin, Anthony H., Jessica, and Sirius

Megan, Hunter, and Destiny

Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflowers

These sunflowers are the most iconic of all the classic sunflowers. They are really rewarding to grow. Mammoth Greys grow to a towering 9-12 feet and the blooms are between 10 and 12 inches across.

Replant in a large sunny area with at least 24 inches of space around it.

  • Replant: 24 inches apart in a large sunny area.
  • Size: 9-12 towing feet tall with a flower between 10 and 13 inches across

Odd and Even Trains

Choo! Choo!
Jessica, Sirius, Justin, and Anthony H.

Destiny and Hunter

Woot! Woot!

I can't believe this little classroom blog has

What a Surprise! by Destiny

The brown, cardboard box was on my doorstep when I was leaving for school. It must have arrived during the night. A note was attached to the mystery box. It said that I could not open it until I got home from school. When I got home from school, I opened the box and a cute baby puppy came out. He was white with black spots. We bought him a red collar and named him Rover. After we named him, we put his name on his new collar. We bought him food and treats. We also bought him a large bed. When we got home from the store, we played ball with him. Even though we bought him his own bed, he likes to sleep with me.

What a Surprise! by Jessica

The brown, cardboard box was on my doorstep when I was leaving for school. It must have arrived during the night. A note was attached to the mystery box. It said that I could not open it until I got home from school. I went to school then after I arrived home, I took it inside and I opened it carefully. Out popped a cute little puppy. It was black and white and right away, I named it Buster. My mom I went to the store and got him a collar and got toys. When we got home he was very happy. My mom forgot the food bowls so Mom got an old bowl out of the kitchen to feed Buster. We played ball together for 20 minutes before it was time for bed. He slept with me in my big, warm bed. 

Wind Day 100-Chart

Megan and Anthony H.

Hunter, Jessica, Justin, and Destiny

It’s Time for Everyone to Practice!

On Monday, May 12, 2014 we begin Standardized Testing!

This week:
Students will practice good testing skills.
Teachers will practice using their monotone testing voices to read questions to students.
Parents can practice getting students to school before 0830.

Mathematics Test Results :-)

The Mathematics test is complete and the results are in!

The average grade for First Grade was 86% and the top scores were Jessica and Hunter who both earned 94%.

Jessica and Hunter
The average grade for Kindergarten was 85%. Megan and Anthony H. earned a 95%.

Megan and Anthony H.

Important Reminder!

First Grade and Kindergarden Mathematics Testing

begins promptly at 0845

on Friday, May 2, 2014