The Science of Balloon Inflation

These huge plastic bags look as if they would take a looooonnng time to inflate. 

How many breaths do you think it would take to fill them? 

Today, we used Bernoulli's principle to fill these 8 foot long balloons in just 1 breath!

When you blow one breath straight down the middle of these balloons, your moving breath creates a stream of low-pressure air, which pulls air from the room into the bag with your breath. 

You have experienced this principle. Have you ever been on the side of the road when a big bus or truck sped by? You probably felt the rush of air that the vehicle was pulling along with it. Your breath acts in the same way. It pulls some of the room air with it, so that you are able to fill the entire bag with only one breath.

We even had some time to have a big balloon fight :-)