It wasn't really the end of the month, but this was the last day that we were together, so it was time for our Monthly Weather Graphing.
The students were introduced to a new holiday Math Work activity. This activity is a dice game especially made with pictures of Santa, Mrs. Claus, elves and the like. There are even red markers - very festive.
We also celebrated Nora's birthday today, since we will not be together on her birthday. (11.26)
Nora wanted to hear the Beatles' Birthday. I did better than that! A video from the Let It Be album.
We read another Thanksgiving book - A Turkey for Thanksgiving.
To further celebrate the upcoming holiday, we watched Free Birds.
Our pizza lunch was a real success!
The students had some time to play in the classroom. Anthony, J'Shawn, and Megan created a 150 cup structure.
And then knocked it down.
I think knocking it down was more fun than building it :-)
So, Day 69 is over and the holiday season is at hand!
Have a safe, fun, and most of all, a very thankful and blessed Thanksgiving.
We will be back together on Day 70, when we are going to have a guest in our classroom. Our guest will stay for 3 weeks!
Who will be naughty?
Who will be nice?
Here is a hint.....