Day 85

After the long Winter break, it is hard to get back in the swing of things. The classroom was a bit raucous and noisy, but we seemed to get through the day.

First thing this morning, we celebrated J'Shawn's birthday.

Then we completed a fun penguin 100-chart. The students made their own beaks with a piece of orange paper.

We then read Tacky the Penguin. The students were amused by this funky Hawaiian shirts and his food choices. 

To refresh the students memories, we reviewed our Daily-5 rotations "best-practices" and modeled the most appropriate behaviours as well as the less appropriate behaviours.

After lunch we got back to chapter book and then the students had afternoon recess.

Tuesday is Day 86.

  • Homework has been distributed in the students' folders.
  • To get a digital version of the homework, please click on the homework tab at the top of this page.