Day 153

It was Day 153! Here is a recap!

Kindergarten Spelling Evaluation top scores:

Taniya 107%
Nathan 106%
Sammy 106%
Izabella 89%

Word Wall Word Evaluation top scores:

Anthony (F) 100%
Megan (F) 100%
Nathan (K) 98%
Sammy (K) 98%
Izabella (K) 94%
Taniya (K) 92%


Before we got started the day, we had a little dance time.

After things had quoted down we worked on Calendar and Spiral Math.

  • Homework for the #Week 29 has been distributed and it is also available in the Homework section.
  • First Graders need to continue practicing their lines for the Shakespeare Festival. 
  • Here is the link to the Shakespeare Festival parts.