Crayola vs. Roseart

I have had a few parents remark about the supply list and how I request Crayola crayons.

Over the years, project after project, drawing after drawing poor Roseart comes out lacking. After seeing numerous supply lists, it appears that other teachers also rely on Crayola.

Here are two specific reasons why I lean toward Crayola:

  1. Crayola crayons last longer. They are least resistant to breaking and hold their point longer.
  2. Crayola crayons colour better. They appear to have more colour in them and less wax. The Crayola colours are more intense. According to the photo above, there can't be more wax in Roseart crayons because they would melt quicker. But look at the intense colour of the Crayola crayons as they are melting. Wow!
  3. Also Roseart crayons leave clumps of crayon as you colour with them. Crayola crayons colour more smoothly.

Daily Schedule

I have been working on our first marking period clasrrom schedule. This schedule not set in stone and is always evolving, so check with me if you have any questions. Click on the schedule to take a closer look.

Don't Miss Out!

As usual, there are plenty of exemptions. To get the most from this "holiday," follow this link to view the detailed .pdf file from

Check Out the Back to School Sales

Here is a sampling of the Back to School ads from 07.21.2013 for Target and Office Depot.

A Table Here and a Table There

Can you believe that there are only 25 days until the first day of school? I can't.

Classroom layout plans are under way and Post-it Notes always handy as templates for furniture.

2013-2014 Classroom Handbook

I have just completed the classroom handbook for the 2013-2014 school year.

To take a peek at the contents before you receive a copy; click on the link below or the link on the left sidebar under the heading Necessities - Documents.

Where Do I Sit?

Name plates are a little thing, in the grand scheme of things, but having them on the tables on the first day of school makes the students feel like they belong and more comfortable.

Creating my own name plates is fun and I am able to make the name plates match a time of year, a theme, or even a special day during the year. Most of the commercially produced name plates are too cluttered with information that is never used. I like to create my own so that they fit my classroom needs and I can change them any time I feel the desire to do so (and not to mention that making my own nameplates saves me money for other classroom items).

Here is a sample of the name plates that will adorn the tables on the first day of school.

2013-2014 Supply List

You can download a copy of this list from this link.

Let it Begin.

Planning that is.

There are only 6.5 weeks until the 2013-2014 school starts and I already feel behind :-)

Look for the supply list for this year to be posted, in the next 2 weeks, so that you can start your shopping as the sales begin.